This blog post has nothing to do with politics - really! This post has to do with schooling.
I'm not political. I hate politics. I stick my fingers in my ears and say, "nah, nah,nah" anytime anyone starts talking politics. Government and history were my hated classes. I failed video class at a tech center because I would not give political opinions on a 'skit' we were doing. Have I mentioned I hate politics?
I homeschool my son. We recently started government (blech). In chapter two of his college course textbook (2004), it gave a sample citizenship test. Get 18 of 30 correct, and you would pass. He gave me the test. Whew! Thankfully I was naturalized when I was 15! ...Just kidding. I passed with flying colors. *doing the happy dance* I may hate politics, but I know my shit....errr government! ;-)
However, I did some research. And it's quite depressing.
About 92 percent of the people who take the citizenship test pass on their first try, according to immigration service data. Well, good...but then again, they are given the questions up front & told to study. :-\
There are 100 questions on the new citizenship's oral exam. All applicants are given all 100 questions, as well as the answers, in advance, and they are encouraged to study. When they sit down for the test, they are asked 10 at random; they have to get six of them right to pass. Question....could you? Sure if I was given the questions to study beforehand, but what about just knowledge from school. Could ya? Honestly?
The test was given to Oklahoma High school students. They didn't fare as well. Only about 3 percent of the students surveyed would have passed the citizenship test. They were not given time to study. They should know this stuff! They live here. They just 'learned' it in school...didn't they? Yet, 97% didn't. That's sad. Only 1 in 4 of the students knew who the first president of the US was. Really?
In another bit, Newsweek gave 1,000 Americans the test. 38% failed. 38% of Americans couldn't pass the citizenship test! Appalling!
In their article, it states:
29% couldn’t name the vice president.
73% couldn't correctly say why we fought the Cold War.
44% were unable to define the Bill of Rights.
6% couldn’t even circle Independence Day on a calendar.
Wow. Just wow. I had my last civics class in 9th grade. That was.......1985, and I retained most of that knowledge. Huh. Of course, I was also taught it. Are these kids?
My son was able to answer every single question in his book, and he elaborated on most of them. :-) And his civics teacher was giving him bad grades? What? Ugh. Anyway....this is why I homeschool.
Interested in knowing if you could pass? Here are some of the questions given. How many do you actually know? Have fun. ;-)
Interested in more? Here is the official USCIS website with the study materials given to immigrants before taking their test:
"Make yourself at home"
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