01 July 2016

Sidewalk Chalk

Super Combo Party Pack with Stencils (over 100 pieces)
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We were kindly sent this product in exchange for a fair & honest review
These are our own personal opinions

Sidewalk Chalk

Purchase on Amazon

The kids have so much fun with this mega pack of chalk!

The Sidewalk Chalk - Super Combo Party Pack with Stencils (over 100 pieces) comes with 90 chalk pieces: 12 dotted pattern (1"x 4"), 12 chevron pattern (1"x 4") , 30 regular sticks (1"x 3.5" in 5 different colors), 24 fine point/crayon shape sticks (1"x 4" in 24 different colors) and 12 jumbo pieces (1.75"x 7.75"). Surprisingly, not one piece of chalk was broken in transit. I was honestly expecting several. The favorite chalks of the pack are the jumbo (OMGosh, I love these!), and the chevron.

The kit also includes 12 reverse stencils (approx. 8"x8") to trace 6 different shapes. The kids were really impressed with their drawings using the stencils. I really didn't think they'd use the stencils, but they did. Their artisticness really comes through when they can deface the sidewalk. ;-) They've also drawn a hopscotch 'board', and invented other sidewalk games with the chalk.

The chalk came off the sidewalk with a simple rain. It did stain their hands a bit, and soap needed to be used. This huge pack of chalk is a hit, and will last a while. Maybe.
A variety of sidewalk chalk in a super combo party pack
Over 100 pieces
Includes Jumbo, dotted pattern, chevron pattern, fine point and stencils
Over 24 different colors and shades

Visit  Amazon to order Sidewalk Chalk


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