I am trying a new blog site. I was using Tumblr, and although it's a good one, there was just something about it I didn't like. So now, I'm going to try Blogger/Blogspot. My Facebook's House-Wise will stay the same. Any posts I make from either of these blogs will be posted to facebook. After I decide which blog I will permanently use, I'll let ya'll know. Let me know what you think about this new one. http://housewise-triks.blogspot.com/
So, New Year's was a month ago. That month went by fast. Too fast. I had made a simple list of 'resolutions', but lost it. January was a rough month anyway, so we're gonna start the "New Year" in February instead. Why not?!
The first 'resolutions' I'm going to be working on are Simplify, Utilize & Organize. ...But I actually have to remember what the others were. I've actually done a little simplifying in January. I have a pile in the driveway, about 2/3 the size of a car, waiting to be picked up by the VVA for donation. Not too bad, eh? But I haven't even made a dent yet! I'm hoping to move within the year, so I'm trying to get rid of all the stuff that's cluttering, cuz I sure as hell don't want to box it, load it, unload it, unbox it, and find a place for it! I've also been pretty good about utilizing some of the food stock I have built up. We have so much food stacked around, it's embarrassing! I've been trying new dishes and have been cooking dinner, using up some of the items we have around here. That's really a feat for me. I love to cook, but have had no ambition for years.
I've been inspired and have the trickle of motivation from reading some blogs the last couple days. I think it's helped. I'm going to be starting a couple 'challenges'. I'll make a post later about that when I start.
Thanks for reading my thoughts
"Make yourself at home"
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