I'm finally posting Weekly Challenge #1, The Home Management Binder, from "A Bowl Full of Lemons". It's taken me some time because I think I have re-done the notebook 4 or 5 times since starting. I just couldn't get the right 'feel' or 'look' I wanted.
So, if you haven't read any of my previous blog entries, you are probably asking, "What is she talking about?!" Well, in trying to simplify, organize & clean, I have taken on A Bowl Full of Lemon's Weekly Challenge. Week #1 is to get a Home Management Binder working.
Thanks for reading my thoughts! <3
So, if you haven't read any of my previous blog entries, you are probably asking, "What is she talking about?!" Well, in trying to simplify, organize & clean, I have taken on A Bowl Full of Lemon's Weekly Challenge. Week #1 is to get a Home Management Binder working.
Yep. Pretty simple. Even though I had started with something way more fancy...different smaller notebooks for different catagories...blah. I went with simple. I know that this is a work in progress. As I use it, it will change to what works best for me.
I decided not to have a tab for finances, as I found this really cool 'expense' notebook at the dollar store. It looks like it will work good for me, because not only is it a self-contained binder, I don't have stacks of bills 'to be paid', 'paid, to be filed', etc. I will be keeping it in my Household Binder however.
I am using 14 of the 15 tabs so far. Yikes! I have everything from Meal Planning, to School, Contacts, and Organizing. Yep, I have a tab for organizing. And do you know what the first page in it is?
You guessed it. The list of the 21-Day Challenge that I'm currently working on also! Now that I have the bare-bones complete....I will be taking the next couple days to fill it in & out. Oh, and also I'll be doing the Week #2 Challenge this week too! ;-)
Thanks for reading my thoughts! <3
"Make yourself at home"
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