Daily musings....
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These are our own personal opinions
These are our own personal opinions
2 Steps Forward..... 2 Steps Back
Yeah, I know that's not the quote, but that's how today felt.
It was just one of those days. It wasn't a bad day, per se. But it wasn't a good one either. I can't seem to get my own head out of my ass.
I'm my own worst enemy. I swear I subconsciously sabotage myself from getting ahead of the curve.
Today, I had some good ideas for my blog and I did some new graphics. I also found a new blogging platform, Niume, which I hope will help with my blogging 'career'. But, as I was organizing & putting away the Halloween stuff, I found out that some kids stole some of the prizes I had set up at the community Halloween party I put together. That was very deflating.
Of course, the day started off on the wrong foot because my daughter was mad at me because she didn't have anything to take to school for breakfast. She can't eat when she first wakes up, it makes her sick. She had picked something out, but now is tired of it & doesn't want it. She didn't like me telling her that I couldn't think of anything else that she could take with her, that didn't need to be heated up. Well, I did tell her a bagel, but she gave me a face. I told her she needs to think of some things she wants & then tell me, that way I can buy them when I go to the city. Instead, she huffed away and out the door to catch her ride. I suppose she's angry because we don't have a McDonalds or a short-order cook in our kitchen. I don't know. When my day starts like this, it makes way for the theme of the day.
However, I have to say there was some happy. I'm amazed with our wonderful rural community. I put up a post on our community page Sunday, asking for donations for the Soldier Stockings Project I've volunteered with for the last 6 years. We already have $195 donated, 10 grocery bags of items, and 5 filled stockings. In just 3 days, that's awesome. We'll be stuffing them this Sunday, and I think we'll break our record of last year, which was 40 stockings!
Too bad the American Red Cross changed their Holiday Mail for Heroes. I used to love that. But the nearest 'local' chapter is over 2 hours away. And they want us to attend an event to sign cards. I can't do that. I much preferred collecting them & mailing them. For years I volunteered, and got local businesses & schools to collect cards as well. Students participated. Drew pictures, and signed cards. My husband even went in one year & talked to the kids. He got so many hugs. It was great. Hundreds of cards for the soldiers. But yeah, no more. Sad. But, at least I found the Soldier stocking project I can do locally.
But still, today I felt just icky. My depression is trying hard to take me down as I fight it tooth and nail. My back isn't helping. Cleaning up the house yesterday & organizing the Halloween stuff did me in. I hate my back. I'm too young to feel this old. My diet is crap, and I haven't exercised in forever. Snowball effect.
I just can't get motivated to get my reviews done. I have Snack Sack, Hippie Hobby, Nails R Accessories, and Kaffe Box sitting here waiting for me to review them, along with some products from Amazon, and a couple book reviews. I love these boxes, and want to promote them. I hate depression. The cold isn't helping. Went from tank top weather on Monday to double sweatshirt yesterday & today. Blah.
Anyway, tomorrow is a new day. And I will try. It's all I can do. Try to try harder! Meanwhile, it's time to go read more of book 3 in the Cozy Mystery series I'm reading. The name of it, I cannot remember. But I like it.
Welcome to the Daily Musings. Until tomorrow....
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