15 November 2016

I Have a Working Fridge!

Daily musings....
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These are our own personal opinions

I have a working fridge!

So, it's been pretty quiet here on the blog. But that's because I've been busy, and I haven't yet got to the point where I sit at a certain time and write. I'm getting there.

Oh wow, it's been five days. Yikes. So, lets see...

I've been working on the house. Mudding patches in walls, organizing stuff, and keeping busy doing stuff like that. I totally emptied my master bath which was used as a storage room for when the carpet was installed & we had to empty the house. Before that it was used as a bird infirmary and nursery, so it was kinda icky. Got it all cleaned up and it's ready to paint and be used as a bathroom again. Still need to do some work in there, but it feels so much better having it open again. Yay! I've gotten some new paint, for not just that room, but for others since all the paint I previously purchased has gone bad from sitting outside. Oops. It's amazing how "just a couple days' turns into a year or two.

Friday we took the truck to the city. The truck was out of commission for over a year, and it's finally running. Since Hubby had Friday off... Veterans Day and all, I had him take me to the city to get supplies. We needed a baseboard heater for my daughter's new room in the basement, gutters since the snow/ice tore ours down last spring, and a couple other little things.  I can't won't drive the truck (too scared in the city), so he has to take me.  He also lifts the heavy stuff.

So, we walked into Lowes, and right at the front door was a fridge.  A $2198 Samsung, for $998.  They're having an appliance sale from 11/2 to 11/30.  I had no idea.  I'm so out of the loop! At 54% off, how can you say no.  We looked at others while we were there, but I fell in love with this one.  A 3-door with the freezer on the bottom.  With his Military discount it came out to be about $900.  You just can't. Beat. That!  That's the price of one of those cheap small ones.  It's a bit big.  It sticks out about 5" more than the last one & blocks a drawer & cabinet a little doesn't look too bad, and I don't care!  It has a built in thermometer/programmable thermostat, which after our old fridge, makes me very, very happy.

Old fridge crammed. Side-by-sides hold nothing!
Our fridge has been a sore spot for me. After moving in here, I not only found out that side-by-side fridges suck and don't hold anything, but that the fridge here was broken (thermostat I assume).  No matter how high/low you put the fridge & freezer 'bar', it would freeze my fruits & veggies, but my meat would spoil.  When I put thermometers in there, the temperature was all over the place.  It sucked.  For five years I hated my fridge and couldn't eat healthy.  Frozen & canned processed food is all we could do because I can only shop once every couple weeks. And since going to the city takes it out of me for days, cooking when getting home or the next day & freezing it immediately was just not an option.  I tried.  But now I have a fridge!  I'm so happy!  Yes, a fridge. Something that most people take for granted, is a wonderful "birthday" present. :-)  I can have fresh food.  No more excuses.  Except for.....

Now, I just need an oven.  Ours goes "ztt ztt click click click" when I turn it off.  And sometimes it turns back on. Not good.  I don't use it very often, obviously.  They have a nice $799 convection for $499 with the sale.  They also have a rebate, but we didn't know at the time & the purchases need to be on the same receipt. But take the Military discount off, and it comes to about $450.  *fingers crossed*

I sure wish I could get gas though.  Next house it will be a requirement!

So, Saturday we worked on the gutters a bit, and I worked on a lot of other stuff too.  We moved the old fridge on Sunday for the delivery of the new one.  The old one will be our over-flow back-up.  Yay!  You absolutely have to have two fridges out here when you live an hour away from any store.  Monday I went back to the city and shopped for more gutter supplies and food, since someone... I won't mentioned his name, misplaced the food from the old fridge & it went bad. 

Today I'm cleaning up the yard, and doing stuff..... or not.  Maybe just work on the computer.  I'm always tired on Tuesdays when everyone is finally out of the house.  ....and I can breathe.

Until tomorrow....



Winc - Get 4 Bottles for $30


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