21 November 2016

An Overwhelmed Hot Mess

Daily musings....
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An Overwhelmed Hot Mess

I'm having a hard time getting motivated today.  I worked my ass off yesterday.  I have a million projects going at once, but my main focus is the kitchen the last few days.  I started it a while ago.  I'm almost done.  But yesterday was one of 'those' days, where a whole bunch of little things went wrong. Today is overcast so far.  I'm a solar-baby, and the sun recharges my batteries.  On cloudy days, I just don't have any energy.

Today I have to paint behind the fridge & stove, and touch up the walls where I got white paint on it from doing the ceiling.  Lesson learned, is do the ceiling first.  You just can't get a good angle to do the edges on the ceiling like you can on the walls.  Meh.  I bought paint for the kitchen a few months ago.  It was the first room I painted when we moved in 5 years ago, and it's gotten grimy over the years.  It's green.  My husband doesn't really like it.  Again, meh.

I tore out the sink yesterday to replace the sink & faucet.  What I found out is the idiots who used to live here & installed the counter, left about a quarter-inch gap between the two counter pieces that seamed behind the sink.  Instead of putting it in right, they just dumped glue in the 'crack'.  Over the years that glue deteriorated, and water got in that seam, and the counter is all water rotted.  I can't afford to buy new counters, so I've cleaned it as best I can, painted it with killz, and caulked the hell out of it.  I'll get new stainless sink in today.  The old one was a porcelain coated fiberglass white sink.  It was so nasty.  And embarrassing whenever anyone would come into the house.  We got the new one about a year ago on close-out, but just never installed it.

We also had purchased a nice faucet on clearance a couple years ago & never put it in.  It's been in the garage, and the mice decided to use the box as bedding.  I went to install it, but there are a couple pieces missing (the clamp & weight), so I have t go through all the buckets & boxes in the garage to find them.  Oy.  Maybe that's why I'm not motivated.  It's a daunting task.

Saturday we went to the city; My daughter and I.  It was 50% off at Goodwill & Arc, and she wanted to clothes shop.  We did not have a successful day.  We also were looking for ugly Christmas sweaters for the event I'm hosting in a couple weeks.  She found a gaudy hand-made vest, and I just got a Taz sweatshirt.  It's not an 'ugly sweater', but it's Christmassy.  I needed something Christmassy.

The wild turkeys decided to perch on our deck & in the Willow tree.  If they're not careful,  they are going to  become Thanksgiving dinner for the dogs.  The dogs love to chase birds, and that's their turf.

My daughter's off this week for Thanksgiving and wants me to make a Thanksgiving dinner.  We usually don't do Thanksgiving.  But while we were out, we decided to go ahead & shop for it.  We got the biggest turkey the store had.  At .69/lb, why not!  It's less than 14 pounds, but hey, that's OK.  I was hoping for bigger, but I just can't get a more expensive bird. Now hopefully the oven will be here in time.  It was supposed to be here Sunday, but it's delayed.  It's coming from Wyoming.  It's a clearance item, so they have to get it from out of state.  A $799 convection oven for $400.  Yes, please.  No more "zzzt zzzt click click" when I try to turn off the oven.  Hopefully.  I'm getting a little nervous that we'll get a "sorry" phone call.

We had our first snow of the season on Thursday.  Late.  Usually it's in late Sept or in October.  I'm not complaining at all!  I'm not built for Colorado winters.  Boy were the roads messed up Thurs night.  Warm than freezing. Thank goodness I didn't have to go anywhere!  On Wednesday it was 73 degrees.  On Friday morning it was 10.  A little bit of a sudden change for me, and I was so not prepared.  But it's warmed back up again, so I'm working outside (as well as in the kitchen).  Like I said, millions of projects.

Right now, I'm an overwhelmed hot mess, but I'm getting there.  OK, I'm not really hot, except for sweating my butt off, but the title got your attention. ;-)

Until tomorrow....



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