09 November 2016

Lil' Bit of This, Lil' Bit of That

Daily musings....
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Lil' Bit of This, Lil' Bit of That

I haven't posted Daily Musings in a few days. I don't know why. I love to write, but I just haven't felt like it. I haven't been doing reviews either.  My bad.  I just haven't had the best of days....up here...in my head. But I'm gettin' through.

We got the stockings all stuffed and dropped off. Our little community donated enough to fill 60 stockings, and gave the Military Family Ministry $335 in donations for shipping them. You cannot believe how in awe I am at the generosity of our neighborhood for the soldiers!It only took Sunnie, I, and the girls about a half an hour to get them all stuffed & tied.

I got all the Halloween decorations in the yard down, but just not put away.  I'm slowly getting there.  Problem is, to put them away I have to clean the garage.  Talk about having lack of motivation for that!

I also got the flag back up on the pole, but I'm having issues with the solar light.  I'll have to switch it out again.

I was having a really, really bad day yesterday.  Feeling lonely, crying, etc.  Well, for some reason I actually got off my ass and did week 1, day 1 of 30-Day Shred.  I haven't exercised (except for walking here & there & doing sit-up or squats on occasion) since December!  I'm so out of shape, but man did it feel good! I'm sore today, but did day 2.  Got through it easier too.  Now, I just have to work on my diet, and stop pigging out on these animal crackers! LOL  At least it's not Halloween candy.

Yearly cookie baskets
I worked hard yesterday and got most of the house picked up.  Started organizing, and making lists.  Moved things into storage, and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom.  This may seem trivial, but I really hate this house, so cleaning it is not something I care to do.  The open space feels good though, I have to say that!  I just need to keep plugging away at it.

I've made more progress merging my Deer Tales with House-Wise.  I have to get my ass busy though because I have a huge list of book reviews and product reviews I need to get finished. 

I also need to get my seasonal baking list done.  List of cookies and treats I'm gonna make this year.   I've baked about 1500 treats every year since I was 15, and delivered them to neighbors.  Instead of delivering baskets this year, we're holding a cookie exchange with the auxiliary.

Until tomorrow....



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