06 November 2016

Gonna Try to Make Today Better

Daily musings....
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These are our own personal opinions

Gonna Try to Make Today Better

Yay! An extra hour of sleep.  Not.  The dog woke me up last night, and my stupid brain wouldn't let me go back to sleep.  I really wish brains had switches.  Reading didn't even help.  I was too sleepy to read, but not thought empty enough to actually fall asleep.

Yesterday was a blah day.  Got some of the outside Halloween prop decorations down, but not all.  I just didn't have any energy.  It's because I stupidly had a danish for breakfast.  Anything sweet or carby for breakfast and my day is shot.  Honestly.  I know this, yet sometimes I still do it.  I have no willpower.  At the moment when I do it, I don't care about the consequences.  I'm too much in that dark place to care.

I got some blogging stuff accomplished, but not as much as I'd have liked to.  I spent much of the day sitting and staring.  Watching the chickens mostly.  Getting angry as the day went by.  Stupid depression.  But I'm really gonna try to make today better.  It hasn't started off great, but that doesn't mean I can't change it!

Looking at my camera, I see the lens is dirty.  Oops!
The wild turkeys came by yesterday.  They usually hang out someplace else in the summer, then all winter they swing by here a couple times a day.  I had some grapes on the ground for the chickens, and a couple of them got brazen enough to check them out.  Most stayed away from the front of the house though.  My daughter counted 23.  Home they come by again today!

My back had given me a low-grade headache which just bugged me all day.  I still have it.  I guess I need to break down and take my NSAID.  I really hate taking medicine.  I don't want that crap in my body.  But, it really does help with the inflammation, which helps with the pain.  I'll have to take it anyway if I'm going to be standing on the firehouse's floor.  My back hates that hard linoleum on concrete floor, and I always come home in such pain.  But I have to do the stocking stuffing up there.  I'm sure as hell not gonna have people come over to this disgusting falling apart house.  Gawd I hate this place.  But the neighbors really came forth, and donated lots of stockings, items, and shipping costs for the project. It's great! I can't wait to see how many stockings we can donate this year.

The last few days I've been real gloomy, just like the weather.  The weather has suddenly turned colder and it makes my mood is colder as well.  I need more sunshine.  Sunshine recharges my batteries.  I like sun.  I'll perk up once the sunshine comes back.... 'cuz I've noticed this is a real downer post. LOL

Until tomorrow....



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