03 February 2016

Say Happy Valentine's Day to the Man in Your Life

Give the Valentine's Gift that keeps on giving!
A monthly club that delivers the finest American craft beer to your doorstep.

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Say Happy Valentine's Day to the Man in Your Life

.....With a subscription to Craft Beer Club!

Offer Valid: 2/3/16-2/16/16

Give the Valentine's Gift that keeps on giving from Craft Beer Club. Click here

It’s all about the beer with CraftBeerClub.com—a monthly club that delivers the finest American craft beer to your doorstep.

From ales and lagers to porters and stouts, CraftBeerClub.com is a perfect way to discover the many styles of American craft beers. CraftBeerClub.com’s buyers discover exceptional craft brews from around the country and deliver them each month, directly to club members or their gift recipients. Each compelling selection is produced by small-production, independent brewers who use only traditional brewing ingredients and time-honored brewing methods. This means CraftBeerClub.com’s monthly selections are flavorful, high-quality beers that are very different from mass-produced, high-profile versions.

Club members can choose from 12 or 24 bottles a month of four different beer styles and select the frequency of delivery: monthly, quarterly, or every other month. At CraftBeerClub.com, there’s never sign up or monthly fees or an obligation to continue—club members can cancel anytime, for any reason—and shipping is always free in the continental United States.

**CraftBeerClub does NOT ship to UTAH.

Go to  Craft Beer Club to subscribe today!

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