"Select one of our great blades, pay only for the cost of your blades, and we send 'em right to your door every month."
Dollar Shave Club
What is it? A subscription where you get your choice of 3 types of razor blades sent to you monthly or bimonthly. Your handle is free!
Cost: $6 or 9/month Also a $1/month option w/$2 shipping
Shipping: Free
Referral Program: Refer friends, receive $5 credit.
Website: Dollar Shave Club
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Dollar Shave Club December 2015 Review
Dollar Shave Club is something I had heard about, but never looked into. However, last time I went to Sam's club & purchased razors for hubby, I cringed at the price. OK, I think I gave a verbal "Ugh" out loud. I know he loves his Mach 3's but there had to be a cheaper way!
I signed hubby up for this subscription back in October when I got into the whole subscription box addition. He agreed to try it when I told him how much we were spending on his razors, and how cheap this was. He didn't have high hopes, but hey, it was $6. Why not?
Your first shipment comes with a handle & a pack of blades. The handle is free. They included a sample of one of their additional products as well.
They have 3 types to choose from. A twin blade (the cheapest), a 4 blade, and a 6 blade (the executive). We decided to try the middle one which is $6 a month.
The handle has some weight to it. We were expecting some cheap disposable-type handle since it was free, but nope. It's sturdy & comfortable. He liked it so much, we bought a second handle, a whopping $4 [sarcastic font], for when he goes on his trips away.
He doesn't use a new blade a week, so we go with the bimonthly plan. You have a choice of monthly or bimonthly which is nice. You can change your subscription at anytime choosing a different blade, or frequency. They have a small online shop where you can purchase add-ons & have them sent to you with your monthly box. Things like shave butter & lather, hair clay & paste, and *ahem* manly flushable wipes.
My husband is very happy with Dollar Shave Club. And you know men, they can be pretty picky when it comes to shaving. And just so you know, it's not just for men. The razors are also great for women too!
If you're fed up with the cost of disposables or blade cartridges, give Dollar Shave Club a try. Just try one month. You can cancel at any time. It will cost you less than $10 to give it a shot! What do you have to lose?
Go to Dollar Shave Club to subscribe today!
Dollar Shave Club December 2015 Subscription Box
Reviewed by House-Wise on Jan 12 2016
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